Fourth Chiropractic Visit and Results!
They say doing natural and holistic treatments takes time to see results. While this is true, I am seeing some fast results in the way of my treatments! Now to be fair, lifestyle plays a hugely important role when it comes to these treatments. I don't drink or smoke, I try to be mindful of what I'm eating, and I move (yoga, bike, walk, exercise in some form) every single day. Taking it easy on the days you receive treatment is also beneficial because it lets your body absorb and maintain all the work that was just put into it.
So here are my results so far; my left shoulder has an increase in range of motion and the pain has decreased a good 75%. Both of my heels move more freely and have very little pain in the area as well as along the Achillies tendons. I can walk stairs more comfortably now, in an almost normal motion. My right knee still experiences some twinges of pain but all-in-all, the pain has subsided greatly! The swelling and inflammation is almost completely gone in the knee joint and I can kneel almost normally for my prayers. Alhumduliallah for that! My hips are still very tight but the physical therapy and yoga stretches do wonders to help with this! I highly recommend it.
Now, onto the big reveal; the MRI results. I'm happy to report the results were very good, or the very least, what we expected. The pars defect, or lumbar fracture was noted in the L5 area with grade 1 slippage, however, there was no edema or swelling noted in the area. This means this fracture is most likely a chronic condition, or something that happened a long time ago. I can only pinpoint a time in high school gymnastics to be the culprit. As it turns out, this is a common condition amongst young athletes, especially gymnasts. The MRI also reports some arthritis and disc degeneration and narrowing where the nerves exit. Thankfully, I'm not experiencing any pain there from a pinched nerve. I'm hoping the glucosamine and other supplements with help these over time, as well as continued adjustments. Next week's treatments will also include accupuncture for treatment on my left shoulder, as well as treatment for balancing my hormones due to menopause.
So, I'm home now resting, hydrating my body with water, and enjoying this beautiful day with my hubby. I'm so thankful to be going through this to be a good example to all of you. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, I hope you find relief as quickly and as easily as I have. I'm always here if you have any questions.
As always, celebrate everything and inspire to live healthier!
I am not a doctor, a chemist, nor a dermatologist. I am only a mom, sharing my opinion of life experiences and what I was taught in the AFPA certification program, who wants to provide a more natural and healthy lifestyle for my family and others. The information contained on the Honey Hill Naturals or blog websites is provided for informational purposes only, and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other qualified health care practitioner. The information available on or through the Honey Hill Naturals newsletters, or (including, but not limited to, information that may be provided by writers, editors, healthcare and/or nutrition professionals employed by, or contracting with, Honey Hill Naturals and / or their associates), is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or prescribe medication. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements or ailments on any of the above sites or newsletters, may not have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States of America.