The Hill Health Coaching System


Are you in need of a new health plan?

I am an AFPA certified holistic nutritionist and health coach. I help to educate you into a complete lifestyle change to become healthier and full body aware through healthful foods, supplements, label reading, and so much more! Are you curious about hiring me as your holistic nutritionist? Let’s take a look how nutrition impacts our entire well-being!

Here are some reasons to take my Living Naturally Masterclass and hire me as your Living Naturally Health Coach!

·       You’ve been trying to “diet” and nothing seems to be working these days

·       You want to learn more about what it means to live more naturally

·       You want to understand how to navigate through the overwhelming amount of contradictory information out there

·       You want to learn to eat clean

·       You want to improve hormone balance

·       You want more energy

·       You want to sleep better

·       You want to clear up the brain fog

·       You want to bring down systemic inflammation

I specialize in the healthy ketogenic diet because I myself, suffer from conditions like MTHFR, insulin resistance, hypertension, obesity, chronic renal fatigue, low thyroid, low energy, and a strong family history of heart disease and cancer. Join my free keto group on Facebook, Beginning Keto or Keto Reboot with Health Coach Bunni! 

I focus on these things…

Cleaning up your environment- Eliminating toxins from our home and on our bodies will reduce the toxin load in our bodies. This reduces inflammation and disease overall. I will teach you what’s really in those products, foods, and supplements you’re buying.

Changes that you can make- It all starts with the willingness and the want to change. Mindset is key in just about everything we do. I was raised on the notion of having a positive attitude, fresh air, and diet is a must! I will teach you that these changes can be made easily, with your positive mindset.

Living in a natural home- I am a true believer that holistic living goes far beyond what we eat. I can show you how to incorporate natural items and eliminate the less desirable things without having to go live in the woods off grid.

Cleaning up your mind, body, and spirit- I believe that we must clean up our thoughts and old ways of thinking as we clean up everything else. After all, it is all connected and contagious. Good vibes and positiveness are contagious. I believe in raising our frequency and vibration that is wrapped around great health. I will help you to take a new look at your food and product choices. Your spirit will be renewed! Always share your smile!   

Sleeping well- Sleep is vital for our natural good health. It balances our hormones, regulates body temperature, maintains healthy body weight, repairs, and regenerates damaged cells, and positively affects our mental health. Our bodies work on an internal clock system called the circadian rhythm. Essentially, how good we feel during the day greatly depends on how well we sleep. We will aim to get at least 7 hours of good, quality sleep.

I Believe Natural is Best

I focus on healing through proper nutrition, proper supplementation, and natural therapies. We have a motto here at Honey Hill Naturals. “It’s how we live.” And it literally means life happens, been there done that, It’s how we react, it’s how we feel, it’s how we connect, it’s how we eat, it’s how we work, it’s how we live. It’s all about our frequency and vibration.                       

Most of all, you will get your health back! 

I would like to start living a healthier life.

The Living Naturally Masterclass
Sale Price: $25.00 Original Price: $199.00
Sale Price: $49.00 Original Price: $79.00