Onto my second week of my new treatment and I'm happy to report that things are heading in the right direction! I'm not sure if many of you know, but I've had a little setback since all of my scans. During my time off of chemo, the tumor in my chest wall was allowed to grow. It grew quite rapidly in just one short week and that made my doctors extremely nervous. As they pondered over a new treatment plan, I immediately began emergent radiation to get ahead of it. I am now receiving radiation along the lining of my right lung as well as on the tumor on my chest wall. I also had a bone marrow procedure done, and thankfully, that came back negative. I'll never have to get that done again THANK GOD!!! (My lower back hurt for over a week.) The new chemo is only outpatient so I can stay in my own bed every night, and the nausea/vomiting hasn't been too terrible this round. I am experiencing a pain in my side near my right lung, but they're thinking that's a side effect from my lung being radiated. On the plus side, we purchased a stand for my bike to use as a stationary bike in my room. I ride at all different speeds a couple of times a day and I'm now up to about 4 minutes each ride. I used to last an hour so this is great progress for me. If you know any good cycling songs let me know ;) ps I had to tape a towel to my seat to make it more comfortable haha