Tara's Blog - So What Does the Tumor Feel Like?
I hope the title of this blog catches your attention because I want you all to know exactly what I feel when I put my hand on my chest. Just so everyone knows, this is super personal for me, but I'm trying my hardest to not be so shy anymore! Anyway, it's a weird thing to describe, especially when the tumor changes literally everyday. Some days it's soft, some days it's a little harder, and it likes to change shape and color. But a lot of people have been asking me what it actually feels like, and that's kind of a difficult question to answer. But after thinking about it, I've finally come up with an answer: the top part of the tumor is similar to your kneecap. It's a little harder than the rest of the tumor. The bottom portion, however, is softer. Kind of like your thigh muscle (this does NOT include those of you with rock hard thighs haha). I mean, it's kind of like a semi-mushy, semi-hard softball? Bouncy ball? Do you see what I mean? Words escape me when I try to describe this thing! But hopefully you can all get the gist of it and can get a sense of what I feel everyday.
Although the tumor is weird like that, it IS shrinking and my numbers on my tests (C Reactive Protein, LDH, etc) keep getting lower! This means the inflammation is decreasing, which means my immune system is finally kicking in and destroying the cancer! My colonics have gone from twice a week, to once a week, to now once a month! I just received some bloodwork back and my digestion is finally normalizing, my liver is functioning normally again, and my yeast overgrowth is completely gone. Everyday I am proving to myself that I CAN fight this. I am healing my cancer naturally every single day. My body knows exactly what to do, and I am finally giving it the right nutrients and keeping it in the proper environment so that it can work its magic. My emotional healing, meditation, exercise, diet, and deep breathing have also had a huge impact on my success so far, and I can't wait to see where I'll be a few months from now.
Thank you to my friends, family, and everyone who has kept me in their prayers since my treatments started back in November of 2015. It's been a long couple of months and I still have a very long way to go, but with all of your support, things can only go up from here! Looking forward to all of the amazing things I will continue to learn from this healing experience.