5G and What You Can Do To Protect You and Your Family
Why do we need to protect ourselves from 5G and radiation itself? Radiation by itself is bad enough because it creates free radicals in the body. Free radicals cause cancer, among other issues. 5G will greatly increase our exposure to radiation, and it will be everywhere; like living in a microwave oven. It is said it will affect our bodies, our fields and the food we grow, our water, the animals and insects, and our environment here on Earth overall. It is being said that because 5G will be everywhere and so powerful, it will be difficult to hide or get away from it.
5G is short for fifth generation in the telecommunication of mobile networks. 5G is constantly declared how incredibly fast it is and how it will improve our lives, but most don’t ever hear how all this incredible radiation will affect our health. More studies need to be done, and that’s part of the problem. Here in America, we just jump right into these things without any sort of testing first. None-the-less, research is suggesting that EMF radiation does in fact, cause cancer. Preliminary results of a large, $25 million government study released in 2016 found that cell phone radiation could increase the risk of malignant gliomas in the brain and schwannomas of the ear. Otis W. Brawley, MD, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, called the results of this rat study “good science” and released this statement:
“The NTP report linking radiofrequency radiation (RFR) to two types of cancer marks a paradigm shift in our understanding of radiation and cancer risk. The findings are unexpected; we wouldn’t reasonably expect non-ionizing radiation to cause these tumors. This is a striking example of why serious study is so important in evaluating cancer risk. It’s interesting to note that early studies on the link between lung cancer and smoking had similar resistance, since theoretical arguments at the time suggested that there could not be a link.”
Cell phones, iPads, laptops, Wi-Fi, desk top computers are the examples we think of right away when we think of EMF radiation. Cell phones have only been around since the 1990’s. This means we are still learning the long-term affects of using them, but we are already finding out so much. In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) listed cell phone radiation as a 2B carcinogen, which means this is possibly carcinogenic to humans. Also on the group 2B carcinogen list are microwave ovens, washer and dryers, refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers, and any of those “smart” appliances we have in our home.
Are you experiencing a sickness or is it really EMF radiation exposure? Here are some symptoms associated with EMF illness.
Loss of appetite
Digestions issues
Sleep difficulties
Mood changes
Brain fog
Memory problems
Blurry vision
Skin rash
Vertigo or dizziness
Abdominal swelling
Body pain, especially in hands, neck, and shoulders, legs, and feet
Heart palpitations
Difficulty breathing
Heightened sensitivity to touch, smells, chemicals, light, and noise
While it’s true we cannot completely block all EMF’s we come into contact with, we can do a lot to minimize the risks. We must know that EMF radiation is in everything from appliances like microwave ovens and new “smart” appliances to cell phones and computers to even cell towers, Wi-Fi and power lines. Studies are showing this affects brain function as well as our DNA. EMF effects on babies and children are far worse than they are for adults. DO NOT let your children play with your cell phones, iPads, and laptops!
Here are ways to minimize yours and your family members, exposure:
· Limit the amount of time your phone is in your hands, next to your head, or in direct contact with your body in any way. This means keeping the phone out of your pockets, or in your bra, or in your waistband if you don’t have pockets. Keep it in a separate bag or purse away from your body. Guys, if you aren’t carrying any sort of bag, you can always turn off the phone while not in use. This will also minimize direct screen time exposure as well. Face it, most of the time we’re just bored, playing on our phones anyway.
· Don’t have your phone close to you when you go to sleep at night. I know it’s very convenient to keep your phone at your bedside what with the alarm and everything right there, but it’s a good idea to go back to the old wind up alarm clocks (if you don’t trust your own body clock). If you can’t keep your phone outside of your bedroom at night, at the very least, keep it across the room and away from your head and body.
· When using your phone, you know, for an actual phone call, use the speaker or hands-free option. Keep in mind that Bluetooth headsets also brings high amounts of radiation as they use wi-fi.
· Buy an EMF protection sticker, shield or phone case. All of these can also be applied to routers, iPads and tablets, laptop computers and so on. Use a radiation blocker for these devices and never use them directly on your lap. And if you spend most of your day on a desktop computer like I do, it’s much better to have a hardwired internet connection rather than using the WI-FI whenever possible.
· Use protective eye-wear (for UV or Blue light).
· Don’t install smart meters or if you already have smart meters, try to get them removed. If the electric company will not let the smart meter be removed, you still have some options. They do make covers for the outside, as well as fairaday fabrics that are EMF-blocking that you can hang in front of the smart meter on the inside.
· Stop using microwave ovens. Microwaving creates carcinogenic substances which leads to a higher percentage of cancerous cells left in your blood. Microwave ovens also emit EMF radiation throughout your home. This is the same type of class 2B carcinogen that is classified by WHO mentioned above. Microwave ovens also give off high magnetic fields which has been linked to leukemia.
· Measure EMF radiation to change routes you take or to clean up the energy in and around your home.
Keep lots of growing, green plants in as many rooms as you can. Plants eat up the EMF frequencies and help to really clean up the air space for us.
These are the physical things we can do. There are many other things we can do as well. They are:
· Grounding yourself – Have you ever heard of Earthing? Earthing is when you go out in nature and purposefully touch the ground. The Earth emits negatively-charged electrons that allows us to detox from things like heavy metals, emf radiation, air pollution and even inflammation.
· Healing crystals, if this sort of thing resonates with you, do offer help in mitigating the effects of EMF radiation. Place Himalayan Salt lamps or blocks, and/or activated charcoal bamboo or room detoxifiers around in the rooms, especially where the wifi router will be, as well as where the electronics are.
· Eat a healthy diet full of leafy green salads, veggies, and fruit to start with. ORAC foods, or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, can make a super big difference in healing DNA damage. These provide essential nutrients and anti-oxidants. EMF radiation is known to cause depletion of antioxidants. Remember, real food is medicine.
· Supplements like spirulina, chlorella, iodine and many, many others are a great way to fill in the “holes” of our diets.
It may feel strange at first, adapting to this new type of routine but I assure it can be done. Doing any of these things to limit your exposure to radiation will greatly improve your quality of life. Keep yourself educated and aware. God bless!
Natural detoxing baths with Epsom salts, baking soda, and bentonite clay will help you to detox the radiation from your body. Bentonite clay shows some really positive affects on the body and health, especially in the area of detoxing. Don’t like bathing? Do a foot soak to receive the same detoxing effects!