A Shelter in Place - Working from Home
A Shelter in Place Workspace-
Working from Home
A shelter in place has become our new digs. I am an essential worker, but I am able to work from home, like how many of us have found ourselves in this Covid pandemic. Change can be a little wavering in the beginning of any new routine, especially when it’s not something you really planned for.
Whether you like to show up in your pajamas, hair tossed about or getting all dolled up and ready for your day, working from home can have many benefits that are not just for your pocketbook and gas tank. Here are some wonderful things you can do for your health, now that you’re working from home.
Desk-stand up or sit on your yoga ball. There’s no need to be tethered to the office chair. We can have lots of movement at our desk while still being able to work effectively. After all, sitting is the new smoking. Is it not? No smoking sections here! Keep those legs and core moving to help blood and lymph flow to lower our risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity and more!
Nutrition-plan and schedule snack and mealtimes, watch portions, and focus on salads, fresh fruits and veggies. No vending machines and a shelter in place means you have time to prepare healthy snacks! Eating healthy foods and snacks helps to fight depression and anxiety, while giving you positive energy to power your day. Remember, food is fuel.
Water-drink plenty of water. Though we can’t stand around the water cooler with our office peeps, we can still have plenty to drink in our home office. Drinking water and limiting sugary drinks like sodas, Gatorade, and fruit juices helps to cleanse the body. While sheltering in place, we don’t want to be bouncing off the walls from high sugar overload without having much to be able to expend that energy. (That much sugar is not good anyway, even if you’re not sheltering in place.)
Break times-Remember to keep your breaks separated from your work. Sometimes when we are working from home, we multitask so much more. Slow down. We can enjoy our break times to the fullest extent when we’re not in the office. Sit on the patio to enjoy a breezy snack or take a short walk up and down your street for even more beautiful benefits. Video chat with your co-workers to catch up on all the topics of the day. Raining outside? That’s okay, too. Keep some stretchy bands handy for 15-minute arm or leg exercises to help boost your energy.
And what the heck!! Turn up the music! No need for headphones in your shelter in place, as long as you can still concentrate, of course. Most of all, be thankful, be blessed, be well.