Detoxing is extremely important especially if you have a MTHFR gene mutation! Here’s the thing, though. You do not need to run out and purchase all the trending detox potions and pills in order to get an effective detox. You can if you want to, of course, but it’s not necessary. Detoxing can be done naturally. You may even surprise yourself with how good you begin to feel after these toxins have come out of your body!



I believe in staying as natural as possible as much as possible. Let’s face it, we cannot change our genes, so we might as well learn how to live with them. On the other hand, we most certainly can affect the way our genes are expressed!

1.       First and foremost, it matters what you eat. Since those of us with MTHFR have difficulty methylating to varying degrees, it’s important to focus on eating foods that contain natural folate and the full gambit of B vitamins. These include foods like:

·         Avocado

·         Beans

·         Broccoli

·         Leafy greens

·         Lentils

·         Nuts and seeds

·         Grass-fed meats, butter, and dairy (Some find A2 protein better for their system)

·         Pasture-raised chicken and eggs


2.       Avoid processed foods and folic acid as much as possible. We know that processed foods contain so many unwanted chemicals, toxins, bad seed oils, and additives that only add to the toxic load of your body. Folic acid is the synthetic version of folate. Detoxing is typically already a more difficult process if you have MTHFR. We want to keep our toxic load light. When selecting whole foods, make sure they are organic as much as possible, or follow EWG’s Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 lists for selecting the best clean options.

3.       Try to drink plenty of clean water. I always say never drink tap water! Our tap water contains so many toxic things including pharmaceuticals and heavy metals! Yuck! Drink clean, filtered water, as well as organic green tea, dandelion root tea, burdock root tea, or herbal teas in general. These help to flush toxins from the organs and body.

4.       Support your liver with supplements like NAC, glutathione, or milk thistle, etc. Our liver works hard to detox everything we eat and everything we put on our bodies. Help it with quality supplementation, especially if you do not have a gallbladder. Glutathione-producing foods are sulfur-rich foods that include:

·         Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, kale, etc.

·         Spinach

·         Avocados

·         Asparagus

·         Beef

·         Fish

·         Poultry


5.       Get movement in and exercise! Especially to the point that you’re sweating. A good detoxing sweat is an excellent way that our bodies do to remove toxins through our skin. Did you know that there have been studies that found sweat contains more heavy metals than what was found in the urine? When we are sweating, and our breathing is more rapid means the toxins can be released through our skin and our breath (or through the lungs). Exercise also helps to boost antioxidant levels, which includes glutathione, the master antioxidant.


Remember, releasing toxins can cause a lot of pain and sickness. They really hurt coming out! Fever, headaches, migraines, joint and muscle pains, brain fog, mood changes, and irritability are all some symptoms you may feel. Symptoms can develop within a couple of hours after the treatment or may take several days to develop. Be gentle with yourself and take things slow if you’re not feeling well and contact your doctor. Pull back some on the detoxing methods if you need to. It is common for people to feel the severity of the Herx reactions due to the sudden onset of worsening symptoms. Herx reactions can last from 3 to 7 days or upwards to several months. This is a very individual reaction and greatly depends on many factors, such as lifestyle, sleep patterns, toxicity levels, quality of foods normally eaten, stress levels, and the person’s overall health. I also like to use a binder like activated charcoal at this point of detoxification to help my body rid the toxins faster and cleaner, so-to-speak.



*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease.


Laura HillComment