Face Dry Brush

Face Dry Brush


Dry brushing your face is a gentle way of exfoliating your skin. This is a natural, inexpensive method of healing massage passed down from ancient cultures. It offers lymph drainage, wrinkle reduction, and prevents acne breakouts and clogged pores. Dry brushing our skin, which includes the face, helps to detoxify our bodies by increasing circulation, helping to drain lymph.

5.25” long, natural boar hair brush, natural wood handle.


Begin with a clean face free of makeup. I like to dry brush before showering, so that I can wash off any toxins and dead skin left behind. I apply moisturizer after the shower.

Always use short, little sweeps with the dry brush. Always apply light pressure, never pressing down too hard. Start sweeping the face brush from the top of your face, going across the forehead, brushing downward toward your heart. Again, at the top of your face, in the middle of your forehead, sweep downward across the bridge of your nose, then sweeping to one side of your nose across your cheekbone, then down toward your heart. Repeat these two steps on the other side of your face.

When these steps are done, sweep downward on the upper lip lightly, and then the chin area. Follow through to your neck, sweeping toward your heart and also toward the sides of your neck, even sweeping into your chest area, always toward your heart. This will help to drain the lymph into the lymph nodes on either side of your neck.

If you have sensitive skin or skin conditions, please see your doctor before beginning this dry brushing process.  

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