Lavender Fine Mist Spray

Lavender Fine Mist Spray


You're going to love the beautiful scent of this fine mist spray! Our Lavender Fine Mist Spray is a pleasing mix of 100% essential oils, calming Lavender, Tea Tree oil, and Anxiety Ease synergy blend, all chosen for their many benefits and healing properties. This spray is suitable to be used regularly throughout the day, and also makes a wonderful sleep spray for your evening routine. Lavender Fine Mist Spray pairs excellently with our Magnesium Oil Spray. They work so well together, I put them together in the Better Sleep Bundle! Check it out here.

2 fluid oz.


Can be used as a room freshener and air purifier, a fabric refresher, or as a light body spray. May be used as a sleep spray. Spray a gentle mist on your pillow and bed linens at bedtime for a more restful sleep.  Not for internal use. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes. If you have allergies or are pregnant, consult your doctor before use. If irritation, redness, or discomfort occurs, discontinue use. 


Filtered water, Eden’s Garden 100% essential oils-Lavender, Tea Tree, Anxiety Ease Synergy Blend, 70% Alcohol.


Shelf life; will last approximately 2 years. Do not store in direct sunlight.

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Shelf life; will last approximately 2 years. Do not store in direct sunlight.

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