How to do Body Dry Brushing

How to Use Dry Brushing Tools

Step 1: Start at your feet and brush upward toward the heart. Similarly, when you start on your arms, begin at the hands and work upward. Use firm, small strokes sweeping upward.

Step 2. For the stomach, work in a clockwise direction. Harsh exfoliation is never the point; be sure not to press too hard.

Step 3. Lastly, brush the back, neck, wrap around the shoulders to chest, always sweeping toward the heart.




Tips to Dry Brushing

Dry brushing is known as a favorite natural therapy for revitalizing your skin. It detoxes and eliminates toxins from the skin as it stimulates lymph flow, reduces the appearance of cellulite, exfoliates the skin, and helps to improve circulation.

Always move in long, sweeping strokes towards the heart. Dry brushing is meant for dry skin. Use a natural bristle brush and brush each area three to five times and always overlapping your strokes.

Dry brushing the breast area in circles toward your armpit area will encourage the toxins to flow toward the lymph nodes in the under arm.

Dedicate at least three to five minutes to brushing. Most experts also recommend dry brushing before the morning shower. It can also be done before exercise, a sauna or steam room as well. The point in dry brushing is for releasing the toxins and helping the lymphatic flow for proper drainage. Avoid dry brushing anywhere that the skin is broken or damaged.